What We Do In Life Echoes In Eternity.

The goal of the Meditations podcast is to not only introduce you to men who will inspire you, but to give you practical, actionable advice you can use every day to improve not only improve the quality and meaning of your life, but the lives of those around you.

Marco Volpato

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Marco Volpato: What's going on everyone and welcome to the meditations podcast. I am your host Marco Volpato, and in this show we dive into the minds, stories and life journeys of interesting men to find out what it takes to achieve greatness in life and work.

So the purpose of todays trailer is it introduce the show and give you an idea of what's to come. I created this podcast because I want to learn from men who have achieved great things. And I have a feeling there are a few other men or women out there that are also looking to become better versions of themselves.

I called the podcast meditations for two reasons. One, I think Marcus Aurelius was the greatest man to have ever lived, and his personal diary (which I highly recommend everyone reads) was called meditations. And two, the word itself means "a written or spoken discourse expressing considered thoughts on a subject."

So the two subjects we will be exploring throughout this interview series are simple but profound questions... First, what does it take to achieve greatness in life and work. And perhaps more importantly, what does it mean to be a good - or great - man.

The goal of the Meditations podcast is to not only introduce you to men who will inspire you, but to give you practical, actionable advice you can use every day to improve not only improve the quality and meaning of your life, but the lives of those around you.

So If you're interesting in tuning in to the first interview of our series, you can subscribe to our podcast on iTunes, Spotify, Soundcloud Google Podcasts or any other podcast streaming platform.

You can also head to meditations.fm and subscribe to our newsletter.

This has been the meditations podcast, I am your host Marco Volpato, and I will see you again. But not yet... not yet.

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